Messy kitchen.
Messy hair.
Messy face.
This is real life. And we wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Can I let you in on a little secret? When I watch this, I don’t see the mess. None of it. No, instead, I see an independent three year old doing what she loves in a home that was built with love.
What in your life is worth documenting but you haven’t pulled the trigger because something is holding you back? Don’t risk losing these special moments for any reason. You don’t need to wait for that kitchen remodel. You don’t need to lose 10 pounds. You most certainly have something worth documenting. Right now.
Get in the frame. You’ll thank yourself in twenty years and, more importantly, your children and grandchildren will thank you.
We’ve made it a yearly tradition to document this little artist painting. Hard to believe that her first one was already almost two years ago. But these memories are going to be something that we hold dear to us forever.